Tarot Poker

(To be played with a standard Scapini Tarot deck of seventy-eight cards)

Suits and Values:

    2 through 10 of each suit
    1 Page of each suit
    1 Knight of each suit
    1 Queen of each suit
    1 King of each suit
    1 Ace of each suit
    Major Arcana cards (numbered from 0 to 21; may not be used for straights or flushes in conjunction with Minor cards)


A pair is the lowest-scoring combination
Three of a kind beats a pair
Two pair beats three of a kind
A flush is when all cards in one's hand are of the same suit
A short straight -- five Minor Arcana in consecutive numerical order -- beats a flush
Four of a kind beats a short straight
A Full House is considered three Face Cards of a kind and one pair
Two three-of-a-kind beats a Full House
A short straight flush is five Minor Arcana in consecutive order and of the same suit
A Royal Flush is considered a Page, Knight, Queen, King, and Ace of one suit
A short Arcanos is a short straight made of Major Arcana cards (as determined by the number of the card)
A full straight is considered seven Minor Arcana in consecutive numerical order
A full straight flush is seven Minor Arcana in order and of the same suit
A full Arcanos (which beats everything in the game) is a full straight made up of Major Arcana.

Rules of Play

Ante Phase
All players wishing to participate in the current hand must put an agreed-upon amount in a pool -- called a "pot" -- in the center of the table. This is called an "ante," and the value of the ante is normally the same from hand to hand.
Deal Phase
The dealer (who is normally the player who won the previous hand) deals out six cards to every player who anted.
Bet Phase
The Bet Phase is the main phase of the game, and generally the player sitting to the dealer's left is the first to open.

Actions that can be taken during the Bet Phase include:
1. Establish an initial bet (only usable by the first person to bet): "I'll bet five."
2. Stay (pay an amount equal to the current bet; if all players stay for a full round, the hand is concluded): "I'll see your five."
3. Raise (pay an amount equal to the current bet and raise the bet by a chosen amount): "I'll see your five and raise ten."
4. Fold (resign from the hand): "Too rich for me; I fold."
5. Call (pay an amount equal to the current bet plus the amount of this hand's ante; each player may pay ante to discard any number of cards, which are immediately replaced, the first time anyone Calls. The second time a Call is performed, the hand is concluded): "I call." or, the second time, "I show."
6. Play (pay an amount equal to the ante to play any one Major Arcanos in your hand, which is immediately replaced.)

Conclusion Phase
The hand is concluded when all players have stayed for a full round or two Calls have been performed. Upon conclusion, all players must display their hands; the hand with the highest value (as defined above, under Scoring, wins -- unless an Arcana card is played that says otherwise.

Major Arcana: Their Effects

0 -- The Fool
If played, no other Major Arcanos can be played for the remainder of this hand and hand size becomes seven. If held, this card is wild.
1 -- The Magician
This card can be laid down, without cost and out of turn, to cancel the effect of any Major Arcanos played immediately prior. However, do not draw another card to replace it.
2 -- The Popess
This card can be played to allow you to look at the next five cards of the dealer's library or at any other player's current hand. If the Devil is in play when the Popess is activated, all players must give an amount equal to this hand's ante to the player who initially activated the Devil; the Devil is then removed from play.
3 -- The Empress
This card prevents all male players from playing any Major Arcanos for the remainder of the hand. Hand size becomes seven.
4 -- The Emperor
This card prevents all female players from playing any Major Arcanos for the remainder of the hand. Hand size becomes five.
5 -- The Pope
This card prevents all players from being able to discard during the first Call of the game. If played after the first Call, it enables all players to discard and redraw up to three cards during the final Call, before hands are revealed, by paying an additional ante. If the Devil is in play when the Pope is activated, the Devil is removed from play.
6 -- The Lovers
This card allows you to look at another player's hand, provided you also show your hand to them. You may then choose to discard and redraw both hands.
7 -- The Chariot
Direction of play is reversed.
8 -- Justice
Everyone folds, and the pot is distributed equally among all players sitting at the table. You get any remainder.
9 -- The Hermit
Force any one player to fold immediately by paying an additional amount equal to the current bet.
10 -- Wheel of Fortune
This card forces each player to immediately pass their hand to the player on their left.
11 -- Force
You can choose whether to make the hand size five or seven for all players. Discard or draw up or down to make up the difference.
12 -- The Hanged Man
When played, draw a card. If it is odd, you immediately win the hand; if even, a face card, or a Major Arcanos, you must immediately fold.
13 -- Death
Everyone must immediately discard their hands and draw new ones.
14 -- Temperance
Everyone has their hand size reduced to five.
15 -- The Devil
This card plays for no cost. When played, all players but you may buy, sell, and trade any cards or money they possess, provided each player involved in each transaction gives you an amount equal to this hand's ante as a "cut" of the action. These trades can be performed at any time for the remainder of this hand.
16 -- The Falling Tower
Each player may choose to force the player to their left to discard three cards picked blindly from the victim's hand. New cards are drawn.
17 -- The Star
This card allows you to immediately cancel any Major Arcanos played for the remainder of the hand by paying an amount equal to the current bet at the moment the Arcanos is played.
18 -- The Moon
During the next hand, no Arcanos cards may be played.
19 -- The Sun
You may draw three cards and discard down to your maximum hand size.
20 -- Judgement
All players must lay their cards face-up on the table; play continues.
21 -- The World
Your hand size (and no one else's) becomes one larger, to a maximum of seven. If it is already seven, you may draw one card and discard back down.