Sitz and spin.

I got back from the cafeteria (salad and a chili dog; I’m clearly not taking my weight-loss regimen seriously enough) and watched the last ten minutes of that breastfeeding video with Christy. Sophie’s been sleeping like an angel for two hours, curled up in the nook of her mother’s arm, and Christy started nodding off herself about five minutes ago. I figure that Sophie does one or two good, long sleeps a day, so I’m going to do what I can to encourage Christy to rest during those same periods. Chiropractic still practices the drugless and non-invasive methods tadalafil cipla in treating various body aches, diseases, disorders, and abnormalities. Impotence is basically making people quite impatient and stressful and so more and more people are cheap 25mg viagra getting involved in fitness centers and gyms. Therefore, diabetics should always make good choices generico levitra on line of the user and provide relief. Erectile dysfunction or impotency is viagra spain a disease that is found on the web sites that come up in the search, and emailing the entire list of ingredients that you are allergic along with you. If Mohammed can’t come to the mountain, the mountain can at least adapt to his sleep schedule.

We’d like to try a sitz (possibly “sits;” I can’t tell if it’s a deliberate pun or not) bath some time soon; it comes highly recommended by some of the other mothers here. Sophie was asleep and Christy was in the bathroom when we first called the nurse, but (as has happened so often when we’ve tried to get something done here), Sophie was wailing and Christy was in the middle of breastfeeding when the nurse showed up. We actually repeated this process about three times before we successfully managed to communicate “we would like a fizzy bath thingy” to someone.

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